"The Call and Message of Jeremiah"

Feb 6, 2022    Andrew Field

We are sorry for the technical issues. The middle of the message was cut off due to a technical error. Attached you can find an outline of the message to make sense of the missing middle portion.

Even the act of declare coming Judgement is an act of mercy for in it is warning and a chance to repent and turn back to obedience. We have much to learn from Jeremiah and four weeks will not do it justice. So that you can prepare your hearts, in three weeks we will be dealing with the issue of Lament from this book and Lamentations and we will be spending a large portion of the service praying through lament. Lament is bringing yourself honestly, your feelings of loss, despair, brokenness, and not covering them with religious trappings but offering them up as they are to God through prayer and then working through them towards trust. Plan to spend time doing this in three weeks and pay attention to how Jeremiah does it.