"A Portrait of Jesus in Isaiah"

Jan 23, 2022

Isaiah was written to the religious who were content with going through the motions all the while avoiding the necessary things like mercy and justice and so a lot of this book is a message of judgment against these religious as well as the nations surrounding Israel that are worshipping things other than God. And yet Isaiah is not all doom and gloom but it is filled with hope, and more than any other old testament prophet Isaiah has the clearest picture of the messiah. Ever since Genesis 3:15 which spoke of an offspring of Eve who would crush the head of the snake, God’s people have been waiting for the one who would come and fix what man and the devil had broken. God promised Abraham an offspring through whom all the nations of the world would be blessed. To Moses God promised a prophet like himself who would be raised up out of the midst of Israel and this prophet would be given the very power and status of God himself. The sacrificial system was created in order to show people the depth of their sin and to point forward to a final solution, a final sacrifice, the final temple, the perfect lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world. David was promised that a king would come through his line and would fulfill the promise made to Abraham. And so this message of longing for one greater than Abraham, greater than Moses, greater than even David permeates the scriptures and keeps us looking for the one whom God would send to finally crush the head of the serpent.
Enter Isaiah.